Formed in 1962, Avonvale Model Flying Club has an enthusiastic membership based on the Ragley Estate near Alcester, we have a dedicated field from which to operate.

The club is affiliated to the BMFA and operates within their code of practice and we encourage development of our hobby by offering free club membership to BMFA juniors.

At the present time we are unable to allow the operation of gas turbine powered aircraft but i/c or electric fixed wing and rotary aircraft of all sizes are welcome. The committee will keep this under review.

Are you interested in joining us? If so click here to drop us a line and we will get back to you.

Noise Management

Dave Lucas and Lenny White have kindly put together a few helpful hints on how to manage and mitigate noise. Please click here to view their article and please continue to do the best you can to fly as quietly as possible.

Drone Code

When you fly a model aircraft (or drone) in the UK you MUST register with the CAA before you fly.

It is your responsibility to be aware of the rules that are in place to keep everyone safe. Follow these simple steps to make sure you are flying safely and legally.


We welcome all members and aircraft types, no matter what your level of experience. Please click here to go to our membership page to find out more.

You can also download a membership / renewal form using the link provided below.

Club Constitution and Rules


We will post updates, notices and announcements on Twitter and Facebook and our twitter timeline is presented below for your convenience.


We usually operate a live weather station feed from the airfield. At present though our weather station is out of action due to our relocation but we hope to have it operational again as soon as possible, subject to service availability and connectivity issues.